3 Reasons To Earn A Doctor Of Nursing Practice Degree

Posted on: 22 July 2021

There are many educational paths available to nurses who want to take the next step in their career. One of the most popular paths is obtaining a Doctor of Nursing Practice, or DNP degree. While this degree is not necessarily for everyone, it can be a perfect fit for many caregivers who already have a Master of Science in Nursing and are looking to grow as healthcare professionals. Take a look below at just three of the reasons why earning a DNP might be hugely beneficial. 

Executive Leadership Opportunities

As the name of the degree suggests, a DNP is often best suited for nurses who want to continue healthcare in a practical role, rather than in one that is more focused on research. If you are currently a nurse who is eyeing executive positions at a hospital, for example, a DNP program can expose you to the kind of experience that is invaluable when applying for top roles in which efficient and expert supervisory skills are paramount.

​Consideration for Specialized Roles

While executive leadership opportunities at large hospitals are often professionally rewarding, they may not be ideal for everyone. Fortunately, a DNP degree also allows graduates to work in other, more niche management roles, such as those in specialized clinics. These healthcare providers may center exclusively on cardiology or oncology, for example, and allow you to pursue your passion in a more focused way. Holders of a DNP may also find themselves recruited for administrative roles at healthcare facilities where they can be central to policy-making decisions. For many nurses, a DNP is likely to be crucial in preparing for such a role.

Teaching and Mentorship Positions

Even for those nurses who have already worked — or are currently working — in a management or administrative role, a DNP might still open up new doors of possibility. In fact, for many nurses who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise with others, teaching and mentorship positions are a perfect fit. With a DNP, you will be able to lead courses for  both new and advanced practice nurses. Many nurses with a DNP also choose to serve as mentors to many of their students, just as they received invaluable mentoring at the beginning of their own careers. While teaching at the university level can represent a huge career shift for some, it can also lead to new range of rewarding and exciting experiences.
